Learn Who In Kansas City Can Build A Quality Swimming Pond For Your Home
Birds eye view of swimming pond by backyard patio

We know of only one other swimming pond builder around Kansas City. We don’t know them personally but Total Habitat is their name. 

Find out more below-

A Swimming What-Now?

“Is there even such a thing as a swimming pond?!” asks Michael in shock.

Jennifer smiles and nods, eyes shining with excitement. “Yes, they’re most definitely real! I was looking up stuff about swimming pools because I was thinking about talking about getting one. I just happened to find out about swimming ponds somehow, too.”

Michael nods slowly as he thinks. “I mean, it sounds like a neat and unique idea. We’d need to look up stuff like cost and how it works. Overall, I’m down for the idea. Sounds more fun than a pool, though the cost to build a pond is probably less.”

He turns to see Jennifer typing furiously into her phone. “I’m looking up swimming pond construction near us. Hopefully, we’ll be able to find something.”

Here’s who the couple ends up finding:

Swimming Pond Builders Near You

Swimming pond party

The only other swimming pond builders in Kansas City, Montana, that we know of is Total Habitat. As far as we know, there are no other swimming pond construction companies in the area. It takes a specific skill set to create a swimming pond. This means general contractors won’t be able to do it.

Total Habitat

This company has been around since 1996. They’ve built many swimming ponds in the area and might be Gradex’s only real competition.

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“Our choices might be limited, but both companies have really good looking swimming ponds,” points out Jennifer. Michael shrugs. “Well, before we decide anything, let’s keep looking for more swimming pond information on this blog.”

More swimming pond posts coming soon!